Brunswick County Board of Commissioners take first steps on items related to traffic impact analysis and tree preservation

Robert Lazaro
2 min readApr 6, 2024


At its April 1 meeting the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners took the first steps on two items of interest.

The first addresses the issue of the need for a traffic impact analysis prior to the Planning Board approving a project. The second is related to the regulation of clear cutting of trees.

The items will still need further action by the Board and/or the NC General Assembly.

Residents can view the full agenda and accompanying reports here: Agenda and Minutes Portal.

Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Timing Process and Options

The Board unanimously directed Planning staff to require new development projects identified with 200 peak hour trips or more to have a Traffic Impact Analysis conducted and approved before it is presented to the Planning Board for consideration. Staff will present a text amendment to formalize the direction at a future meeting.

Tree Standard Regulation Request to NC General Assembly

The Board unanimously approved a resolution with the changes/additions listed below. The resolution requests the NC General Assembly grant the County the authority to establish tree regulations related to heritage tree protections and clear-cutting associated with new development.

Changed the acreage listed in the following sections to 25 acres:
WHEREAS, Brunswick County desires the option to regulate trees in order to help mitigate growth impacts solely by preserving and protecting heritage trees and limiting clear cutting related specifically to new development of land over 25 acres when not part of forestry, timber, or agricultural activities as contemplated by N.C.G.S. § 160D-921, and for no other purposes and through no other methods; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners hereby requests the North Carolina General Assembly to grant Brunswick County the limited authority to regulate trees solely through the preservation and protection of heritage trees and the limitation of clear cutting related specifically to new development of land over
25 acres when not part of forestry, timber, and agricultural activities and for no other purposes and through no other methods; and

Added the following section:
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners requests that any such authority granted be limited and narrow in scope to prevent abuse or over-use by a future Board of Commissioners.



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